How true it is? This is Malaysia...and you should know ..

National excuse for hair loss

National instant food
Maggie mee

National breakfast
Nasi lemak

National lunch
Nasi ayam

National supper
Roti Canai & teh tarik

National excuse for being late
Traffic Jam

National condom
None. Most Malaysians still feel embarrassed buying condoms. So they rushed into 7eleven, hurriedly grab the nearest pack, any pack and leave.

Netional excuse given by women when refusing sex.
Headache, kids not asleep, maid not asleep, mother-in-law around, early appointment, food not digested yet, aircond not cold enough, air-cond too cold, nail polish not dry yet, forgot to take the pill, sleepy, stomach cramps, period, haven ' t remove make-up, haven ' t shower, no water supply, depressed, no mood ect...

National excuse given by man when refusing sex.
None. Malaysian men never refuse sex

National rubbish dump
Anywhere as long is not their house

National mis-pronounced name
Carrefour. Sometimes even pronounced as Carry

National excuse for being nice
Running for UMNO

National answer for "Where are you?"
"On the way"

National excuse for causing traffic jam.
there was accident on the other side of the road.. of course must slow down and tengok-tengok, kaypoh-kaypoh lah...

National reason when rejecting invitation.
"see 1st lah"

National excuse for jumping queue
"everybody doing it mah"


Anonymous said...
