ahhh! cool artificial breeze~!

at lastttt!!! after suffering from heat and sweat (feels like almost hell in the afternoon) for four days! the aircond in my office cabin are finally fixed! i don't know how long it will last this time cuz previously it was already serviced last week..TWICE and start giving problem again last saturday(bah paham2 la aircond model tua)! called our sub con to go and fix that bloody damn aircond again! he pun garu kepala "balik2 juga ni mau pi bikin" ahhh now it feels cold and refreshinggg.... there's only one thing i dun like being in an airconditioned room...it makes me damn sleepy..! arrr! these past few days i cant even rather didnt get the chance to feel sleepy in the office, my face melekit lekit...headache cuz of the heat and everything...tahan saja la...i did try to open all that is possible to open, windows, doors....all that came in was hot air...haiya...hopefully this time the aircond will last very very long time (better yet, never) and stop giving me problems...

aircond unit in my office (very old one)