not so interesting saturday...!

grrrr its saturday...its suppose to be outing, movie, karaoke, enjoy day...

well this saturday of mine turns out to be not so interesting...or should i put...not interesting at all...LOL 0_o ..
...i wanted to 'bath' her ealiear this afternoon but with dark cloud in the sky i decide not to...maybe tomorrow...hahha...

so i left work a bit early today and stop by to my aunt house to see how's the puppies are sending the puppies at my aunt's so that she could clean up them for me...muahahha (evil laugh) im very lazy..what can i say...ahha...

before goin home i singgah again survey in putatan, i was just gonna buy garbage plactic bags at 1st...then i end up buying me a dim lighting thingy for my room...
yeaaa...thats the makes my room much cozzy lookin..hihihi i love that lighting such a way im actually supporting Earth Hour every! and oh yea...thats my small desk (i took away from my dad..hihi) and my lappy which im using to write all these crap with...

upon reaching home i straight away did my laundry cuz if i were to relax2 again for while, mimang relax lah until tertidur sure was a lot of laundry to do (satu minggu punya kan)
but only after i woke up from my afternoon nap i went to hang them to dry...
btw, the rain just stopped when i woke up...
ohmigawd..guy use that much clothing ka??

thats when i decided to bath my baby! weehuu! poor my baby more than two weeks i didnt bath her....tu la pemalas kan sy!

washh washhh...soap soap....rinse rinseee.....lap lap lap....and......the result...(drum rolls)

tadaaaa!! hehhee...i found out there's few small tiny scrathes and my heart scratched!

now im here...writting this!


p.s. : i dun know why im so rajin to take all those pics above...